GLEV Horses

GLEV Horses

Rhapsody -Rhapsody registered Oldenburg gelding. His birthday is May 31, 2013. He trains in classical English dressage and also has been training as a vaulting horse since 2019. He stands at 17’3 hands, and is an elite athlete who has the personality of a goof-ball. He is extremely playful, and he has a special fondness towards children. Rhapsody continues to train and compete in classic dressage, hoping one day to compete at the Grand Prix level.


Xena- Xena is 2010 mare who was adopted by the McLean’s on June 27, 2020. Her history is somewhat of a mystery. She was born to the original owner who lived in St. Johns, MI where she did mostly trail rides and was loved on by her owner’s small children. Since she was adopted by the McLean family, she has been training in classical English dressage and vaulting, and she loves her job of carrying the “little kids” since she is only 15’2 hands tall. 

Eligius - A 2017 percheron gelding. Eli is learning basic Dressage to enhance his natural canter. His work under saddle is developing balance on the circle where Eli would eventually become a canter. Eli is steady in the trot and is one of the USA's best Trot horses.

Ducati - A 2015 American Hannoverian gelding. Ducati is a new canter horse in the beginning of his career, we will carry Bronze and above vaulters. His has a big elegant canter, standing at 17.2 hh we have a postive outllok for his career in vaulting. Ducati has already competed in his first CVI 1* with a win.